Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1749.07.12

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Index Entry Conjurer, bottle, in London, hoax, audience destroyed theatre 
Location London 
12 Jul 1749:12,21,22 (220)
From the London Magazine for January, 1749.  The following
bite upon the public is of so new and extraordinary a
nature, that it deserves to be recorded, as it shows, that a
foolish credulity and ridiculous curiosity seem to have
banished common sense from the quality and gentry of this
great metropolis.  Towards the middle of this month, the
following advertisement appeared in our news papers.
     At the new theatre in the Haymarket, on Monday next,
the 16th inst. to be seen a person who performs the several
most surprizing things following; viz. first; he takes a
common walking cane from any of the spectators, and thereon
plays the music of every instrument now in use, and likewise
sings to surprizing perfection.  Secondly, he presents you
with a common wine bottle, which any of the spectators may
first examine; this bottle is placed on a table in the
middle of the stage, and he (without any equivocation) goes
into it in sight of all the spectators, and sings in it;
during his stay in the bottle, any person may handle it, and
see plainly that it does not exceed a common tavern bottle.
     Those on the stage, or in the boxes, may come in masked
habits (if agreeable to them), and the performer (if
desired) will inform them who they are.
Stage 7s. 6d.  Boxes 5s.  Pit 3s.  Gallery 2s.
To begin at half an hour after six o'clock.
Tickets to be had at the theatre.
     The performance continues about two hours and a half.
N.B. If any gentlemen or ladies, after the above
performances, (either singly or in company, in or out of
mask,) are desirous of seeing a representation of any
deceased person, such as husband or wife, sister or brother,
or any intimate friend of either sex, (upon making a
gratuity to the performer,) shall be gratified, by seeing
and conversing with them for some minutes, as if alive. 
Likewise (if desired) he will tell you your most secret
thoughts in your past life; and give you a full view of
persons who have injured you, whether dead or alive.
     For those gentlemen and ladies who are desirous of
seeing this last part, there is a private room provided.
     These performances have been seen by most of the
crown'd heads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, and never
appear'd public any where but once; but will wait on any at
their houses, and perform as above, for five pounds each
     There will be a proper guard, to keep the house in due
     This other advertisement was also published at the same
time, which, one would have thought, was sufficient to
prevent the former's having any effect.
     Lately arrived from Italy, Signior Capitello Jumpedo, a
surprizing dwarf, no taller than a common tavern tobacco
pipe; who can perform many wonderful equilibres, on the
slack or tight rope: likewise he will transform his body in
above ten thousand different shapes and postures; and after
he has diverted the spectators two hours and a half, he will
open his mouth wide, and jump down his own throat.  He being
the most wonderfull'st wonder of wonders as ever the world
wonder'd at, would be willing to join in performance with
that surprizing musician on Monday next in the Haymarket.
     He is to be spoke with at the Black Raven in Golden
lane, every day from seven 'til twelve, and from twelve all
day long.  Nevertheless, the contrivance took, and the
playhouse was crowded with dukes, duchesses, lords, ladies,
&c. the consequence of which will appear from the following
paragraph.  Last night (Monday the 16th) the much expected
drama of the bottle-conjurer of the new theatre in the
Haymarket ended in the tragi-comical manner following:
curiosity had drawn together prodigious numbers: about 7 the
theatre being lighted up, but without so much as a single
fiddle to keep the audience in good humour, many grew
impatient. Immediately followed a chorus of catcalls,
heighten'd by loud vociferations and beating with sticks;
when a fellow came from behind the curtain, and bowing, said
that if the performer did not appear, the money should be
return'd.  At the same time a wag crying out from the pit,
that if the ladies and gentlemen would give double prices,
the conjurer would get into a pint bottle; presently a young
gentleman in one of boxes seized a lighted candle, and threw
it on the stage.  This serv'd as the charge for sounding to
battle.  Upon this the greatest part of the audience made
the best of their way out of the theatre; some losing a
cloak, others a hat, others a wig, and others hat, wig and
sword also.  One party however staid in the house, in order
to demolish the inside, when the mob breaking in, they tore
up the benches, broke to pieces the scenes, pull'd down the
boxes, in short dismantled the theatre entirely, carrying
away the particulars abovementioned into the street, where
they made a mighty bonfire; the curtain being hoisted on a
pole by way of flag.  A large party of guards were sent for,
but came time enough only to warm themselves round the fire. 
We hear of no other disaster, than a young nobleman's chin
being hurt, occasioned by his fall into the pit with part of
one of the boxes, which he had forced out with his foot. 
'Tis thought the conjurer vanished away with the bank.  Many
enemies to a late celebrated book, concerning the ceasing of
miracles, are greatly disappointed by the conjurer's
nonappearance in the bottle; they imagining, that his
jumping into it would have been the most convincing proof
possible, that miracles are not yet ceased.
     Several Advertisements were printed afterwards, some
serious others comical, relating to this whimsical affair;
among the rest, was the following, which we hope, may be a
means of curing this humour for the future.
     This is to inform the public, that notwithstanding the
great abuse that has been put upon the gentry, there is now
in town a man, who instead of creeping into a quart or pint
bottle, will change himself into a rattle, which he hopes
will please both young and old.  If this person meets with
encouragement to this advertisement, he will then acquaint
the gentry when and where he performs.
     The reason assigned, in another humorous advertisement,
of the conjurer's not going into the quart bottle, was, that
after searching all the taverns, not one could be found.
  When conjurers the quality can bubble,
  And get their gold with very little trouble,
  By putting giddy lies in public papers,---
  As jumping in quart bottles,---such like Vapours;
  And further yet, if we the matter strain,
  Would pipe a tune upon a walking cane;
  Nay, more surprizing tricks! he swore he'd show
  Grannums who dy'd a hundred years ago.
  'Tis whimsical enough, what think ye, sirs?
  The quality can ne'er be conjurers:---
  The de'il a bit:---no, let me speak in brief,
  The audience fools, the conjurer a thief.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1749.07.12 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1749 
Bibliography B0018701
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